LEDs |
Light emitting diodes are p-n diodes in which the recombination of electrons and holes yields a photon.
This radiative recombination process occurs primarily in direct bandgap semiconductors where the lowest conduction band minimum and the highest valence band maximum occur at k = 0, where k is the wavenumber. Examples of direct bandgap semiconductors are GaAs, InP, and GaN while most group IV semiconductors including Si, Ge and SiC are indirect bandgap semiconductor. |
The radiative recombination process is in competition with non-radiative recombination processes such as trap-assisted recombination. Radiative recombination dominates at high minority-carrier densities. Using a quantum well, a thin region with a lower bandgap, positioned at the metallurgical junction, one can obtain high carrier densities at low current densities. These quantum well LEDs have high internal quantum efficiency as almost every electron injected in the quantum well recombines with a hole and yields a photon. |
The external quantum efficiency of planar LEDs is much lower than unity due to total internal reflection. As the photons are generated in the semiconductor, which has a high refractive index, only photons traveling normal to the semiconductor-air interface can exit the semiconductor. For GaAs with a refractive index of 3.5, the angle for total internal reflection equals 17o so that only a few percent of the generated photons can escape the semiconductor. This effect can be avoided by having a spherical semiconductor shape, which ensures that most photons travel normal to the interface. The external quantum efficiency can thereby be increased to values larger than 50%. |
Laser diodes |
Laser diodes are very similar to LEDs since they also consist of a p-n diode with an active region where electrons and holes recombine resulting in light emission. However, a laser diode also contains an optical cavity where stimulated emission takes place. The laser cavity consists of a waveguide terminated on each end by a mirror. As an example, the structure of an edge-emitting laser diode is shown in Figure .
Photons, which are emitted into the waveguide, can travel back and forth in this waveguide provided they are
reflected at the mirrors.
Structure of an edge-emitting laser diode. |
The light in the waveguide is amplified by stimulated emission. Stimulated emission is a process where a photon triggers the radiative recombination of an electron and hole thereby creating an additional photon with the same energy and phase as the incident photon. This process is illustrated with Figure. This "cloning" of photons results in a coherent beam. |
Stimulated emission of a photon. |
The stimulated emission process yields an increase in photons as they travel along the waveguide. Combined with the waveguide losses, stimulated emission yields a net gain per unit length, g. The number of photons can therefore be maintained if the roundtrip amplification in a cavity of length, L, including the partial reflection at the mirrors with reflectivity R1 and R2 equals unity. |
This yields the following lasing condition: |
If the roundtrip amplification is less than one, then the number of photons steadily decreases. If the roundtrip amplification is larger than one, the number of photons increases as the photons travel back and forth in the cavity. The gain required for lasing therefore equals: |
Initially, the gain is negative if no current is applied to the laser diode as absorption dominates in the waveguide. As the laser current is increased, the absorption first decreases and the gain increases. The current for which the gain satisfies the lasing condition is the threshold current of the laser, Ith. Below the threshold current very little light is emitted by the laser structure. For an applied current larger than the threshold current, the output power, Pout, increases linearly with the applied current, as each additional incoming electron-hole pair is converted into an additional photon. The output power therefore equals: |
where hn is the energy per photon. The factor, h, indicates that only a fraction of the generated photons contribute to the output power of the laser as photons are partially lost through the other mirror and throughout the waveguide. |
Output power from a laser diode versus the applied current.
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